On the morning of Saturday, September 19, 2009, tandem bicycle enthusiasts gathered in Loveland, Ohio for a day of riding on the trail commonly referred to as the Loveland bike trail

These tandem teams were a bit different in that one of the riders was visually impaired, the one on the back we hope.

The following are pictures of these riders during the course of the day.

Cyclist preparing for the ride

One cyclist packing up and preparing to start

Joyce Rogers

Joyce Rogers, president of the Cincinnati chapter of the American Council of the Blind of Ohio preparing for 26 miles on the trail.

Cyclists forming up for start

This is the first of several photos showing the group forming up on the trail by the shelter house in Nisbet Park in Loveland, Ohio, the starting point for the cycling event.

Cyclists massing for start

This is another photo of the cyclists forming up for the start.

Cyclists from the side

This is a good side view of some cyclists forming up for the start.

a 4 placer!

Oh no, this one must have been stretch some. This is Colin's family cycle.

Horn of plenty

The cyclists had a good picnic lunch at the Morrow, Ohio shelter thanks to the generosity of the Kroger Co.

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This tandem, Colin's family cycle, draws considerable attention at the Morrow, Ohio shelter.

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TUKANDU board member, Phyllis Hoke, and Tukandu president, Robert Rogers, starting out on their 46 mile ride.

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Suzanne's help was invaluable in the event when she acted as a traffic cop at places where the bike trail crossed busy roads. She would ride ahead on her single bike to the busy intersections. Then she would speed the tandem cyclists on their way by signaling when the crossings were clear.

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Mary Hiland and helpers lunching at the Morrow, Ohio shelter. Mary, the Ohio ACB executive director, was the director of organization and operation of the tandem cycling event.

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